Keep it simple
We’re fortunate to have a huge array of plugins at our disposal these days, and when faced with a tricky mixing challenge it can be tempting to just throw a bunch of plugins on a ...
I’m a BIG FAN of drum samples. Most of my favorite drum parts on the newest Periphery record were developed and written via an iterative drum programming process, and here it is laid out for you!
Our friend Navene Koperweis demonstrates how to use GetGood Drums with a 2Box electronic kit and Cubase. You’ll need to modify this a bit based on your kit and DAW, but the basic approach should ...
When it comes to routing GGD, there’s more than one way to skin the cat. In this video, Misha Mansoor walks you through his approach to routing– give it a shot and see if it works for you!
One of the most important parts of programming drums that sound realistic and natural is getting the velocities right– specifically, using softer hits in a way that mimics how a human drummer pla...
If you’re not a drummer, you know that writing drum parts from scratch can be tough– but it doesn’t have to be!
While nothing takes the place of a great drummer, once you understand how a drumme...
When mixing drums, compression is an integral part of your toolkit. If you like the aggressive, smacky drum sound in many of my mixes, dialing in the right compression settings is one of the keys t...
Drums are one of the most intimidating elements for new mixers– and for good reason, because although we think of the drums as one instrument, they’re really 5, 10 or even more individual instrum...